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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

General English paper compulsory for A-Ls

Daily News 03/08/2011

The General English examination paper is compulsory for students who sit the forthcoming Advanced Level examination, the Higher Education Ministry sources said.

According to the ministry, facing the General English paper at the Advanced Level examination is essential for university admission but it is not compulsory for university admission. A greater number of students who sit the A-L examination were not keen on the General English examination paper as it was not essential.

However, facing the General English paper is essential from this year when applying for university admission.
Accordingly, the Higher Education Ministry will consider the marks obtained in the General English paper by a student, when he will be entered to the Pre Orientation Programme (POP) from this year onwards.

In addition, students’ English language proficiency will also be measured based on marks obtained in General English.

The students who obtained highest marks will be exempted from POP while the weakest students will be admitted to follow a scholarship programme.

The Higher Education Ministry requests students to sit the General English paper. The ministry further requests examination supervisors to make the students aware of the necessity of facing the General English paper at the very first day of the examination.

Besides, principals are also requested to convey this message, the sources added.

Education Minister said that 294,800 candidates will face the examination which will commence on August 8 at 2,400 examination centres throughout the country.

More than 45,000 examination staff including supervisors and invigilators will also be engaged in examination related activities during the examination period.

As scheduled the examination will proceed until September 3.