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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FUTA demands Minister’s promise in writing


The Minister of Higher Education S.B. Dissanayake did not agree to any of the demands although he announces to have resolved the issue, alleges the spokesperson for the Federation of University Teachers Association (FUTA),  Dr. Mahim Mendis.

"Minister Dissanayake didn’t let us know he agreed to our demands although he’s telling the media he’d resolve the matter," said Dr. Mendis.

According to Dr. Mendis,  the Minister will have to agree to their demands in writing if they are to give up on their trade union action. "We will not take the Minister’s word for it, we need him to inform us in writing," declared the spokesperson for FUTA.

The Heads of Department resigned and all 15 universities have come to a complete standstill, Dr. Mendis said.
Lectures, exam time tables and papers have not been set since the trade union action,  revealed Dr. Mendis.