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Monday, June 6, 2011

Disappointed FUTA vows tougher TU action

Daily Mirror

By Lakna Paranamanna
The Federation of University Teachers Association (FUTA) yesterday vowed to further strengthen its trade union action, disappointed by the no-show of the President and relevant officials at the discussions held at Temple Trees yesterday evening.

"We expected relevant officials especially from the Treasury and the Salaries and Cadres Commission to be present at the discussions. But the only key official present at the discussion was the Higher Education Ministry Secretary Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne," FUTA Spokesman Dr. Mahim Mendis told the Daily Mirror.

He said the discussion ended once more without any contributions to a resolution which would solve issues the academics were currently facing. Disappointed However a meeting between the members of the FUTA and a delegation of officials from several key institutions is due to be scheduled next week.
The first round of discussions between FUTA members and the President was held on May 26, but concluded on a futile note with no conclusions.